For enquires please reach us on our social media channels.
Before contacting us be sure to check out our FAQs for more info.
General Enquiries
Please email
Working at our Events
You must be 18+ to work/volunteer at Origin Fields Events, please contact
Application here:
We will be taking applications for media accreditation for The Palace Motel at our discretion, to apply please email INSERT NAME. To receive press releases, media alerts
and news for any of our events INSERT CONTACT.
Lost Property
If you've lost or found an item at an event, please email and leave a description of the item and location lost or found and your contact details.
Catering & Food/Stall Applications
If you are interested in running a food stall our next upcoming event and require more information please email Please note only successful applicants will be contacted by the event manager closer to the date of the event specified.
Application Link: INSERT LINK
Applications close INSERT DATE